At First Loan Choice we understand that securing online personal loans is not always the best option for helping our clients with troublesome credit card debt. Sometimes a far better solution is to use a different method to reduce the burden of high credit card balances, one that changes the structure of the debt, secures much lower interest rates and results in a single lower monthly payment that can help our clients to breathe freely again.
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When the time comes to look for a personal loan it's important to remember that there are two main factors that lenders will focus on in judging whether or not to approve your loan: income and credit scores. The importance of income is self evident, as you will need to have an income stream from which to pay off the loan. A good rule of thumb as per income and personal loans is that a loan of approximately 10% of your gross income is considered a reasonable request. So if for example your gross income is $50,000 then a loan request of $5,000 is generally considered acceptable.
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For individuals with troublesome payday loans, securing an online personal loan is not necessarily the best solution for undoing the damage that payday loans can cause. Payday loans are not always a bad solution to short term money concerns, but they are often predatory in nature and can over the long term cause damage that far outweighs the immediate relief that they can provide. When held over a long period of time, the annualized interest rates of payday loans are usually extremely high and can wreak havoc on personal finances as the months roll by. It is not uncommon for online payday loans to have annualized interest rates of two hundred to five hundred percent, and these annualized interest rates can climb even higher than that. What was once a financial relief can become a burden that does not easily go away.
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First Loan Choice we understand that securing online personal loans is not always the best option for helping our clients with troublesome credit card debt. Sometimes a far better solution is to use a different method to reduce the burden of high credit card balances, one that changes the structure of the debt, secures much lower interest rates and results in a single lower monthly payment that can help our clients to breathe freely again.
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First Loan Choice we understand the importance of credit repair and how it
benefits our clients who are in search of online
personal loans. Direct lenders,
the companies who grant the
personal loans in question, are focused on two
elements of borrower data: income and credit scores. Credit repair is the process
in which negative marks on an individual borrower's credit report such as late
payments, charge-offs, collections, write -offs, repossessions, bankruptcies and
foreclosures are systematically eliminated. With credit repair all of these negative
elements on an individual's credit report are challenged by a credit analysis
company, and if the items in question are not successfully counter challenged
within thirty days then by federal law the negative items are removed
permanently from the borrower's credit report.
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First Loan Choice we feel strongly that our mission is to help individual borrowers receive the
personal loans that they currently need while simultaneously improving their financial profile and
empowering them to best handle their future financial situations which will inevitably occur. So
often in life circumstances arise that demand immediate financial attention, from car and housing
payments to tuition, monthly bills, medical bills and any number of other monetary commitments
that are simply a part of our everyday lives.
First Loan Choice not only helps to stem the tide of
these financial pressures by helping our clients to obtain personal online loans, we also help to
ensure that our clients improve their financial standing to make future borrowing of funds a less
costly, less time consuming and a more financially rewarding experience.
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